The Hastings Library Bookchat group

The Hastings Library Bookchat group, who meet once a month, decided to read travel books during March. Here’s what they had to say about a selection of the books discussed.

Tea with my tapas : a New Zealand traveller enjoys the cultural challenges of Spain / Judith Doyle. “A very informative read, and as I have been to the places in the book can identify with the story” “Informative but needs more passion.”

Italian joy / Carla Coulson. "A common theme –author chucks it in and goes overseas to experience life. She runs out of money and starts taking photos. This book is very descriptive and upbeat." "If you like these you will enjoy Greg Malouf." This is held in our libraries:

Saha : a chef's journey through Lebanon and Syria / Greg and Lucy Malouf

It's not about the tapas : around Spain on two wheels / Polly Evans “A bit of a hoot! Humourous and well researched. Good information about the areas and talks about well known Spanish identities. I like that it has a map so you can see where she’s talking about. Her other book Fried eggs with chopsticks / Polly Evans is worth reading too”

Vroom by the sea / Peter Moore, and Vroom with a view / Peter Moore. “Peter Moore has a good Aussie sense of humour – I enjoyed both of these books”

Honeymoon in Purdah : an Iranian journey / Alison Wearing. “This book gives an honest perspective of different people within a country affected greatly by religion and war. It opens your eyes to how revolution has affected their lives and shows different perceptions of values between cultures”

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