May - NZ Music Month

Well Rockers, Mods, Bodgies and all you cool groovers out there, NZ Music Month is underway and we’re boogying down in your Libraries! We love to support our local talent, young, old or in between, and have some seriously talented musicians entertaining us, oops, I mean you, this NZ May Music Month 2008.

Which brings me to what I was doing yesterday….listening to a ‘melodic death metal’ band that are coming to play at the Hastings Library! Yes folks, “Signed in Blood”, although not everyone’s taste, impressed my Professional Thrash Metal Assessor who accompanied me on this endeavour, so they will be performing during the last week of May, which is also Youth Week. I am told they have “awesum riffz”. My ears are still ringing…
Rock on! Lucy Lit

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