Art Deco Fun at Hastings District Libraries
Art Deco week brought out a new look for library staff dress code. Don't they look just divine?
Above: L - R Carla, Luana, Nigel, Hannah, Karen, Deana and Brett
Below: L - R Sherylina, Deana, Barbara, Luana, Nigel, Madelon, Brett and Diane
Bookish Betsy's New Year Resolutions
I often romanticize about what it would be like to have Christmas in winter. Rugged up in front of the fire, or at the window impatiently watching for snow, before sitting down to a hearty rich dinner, surrounded by a jolly bunch of family and friends….yes, it is the thing that dreams and classic novels are made of.
On the other hand though, I think we folk down-under have got it made when it comes to New Year’s celebrations. I can’t imagine the strike of midnight on New Year’s without those key ingredients; smarting sunburn, the warm flat dregs of a beer, sand fly bites, and raucous fun.
And those heady New Year’s resolutions made after too much sunshine, chocolate and good times are what keep life spicy – or so I thought. The only problem is I never seem to actually achieve my great and zany aspirations. So, this year, in a bid to be able to tick some boxes on New Year’s Eve, I have kept my list simple.
Resolution 1: Make my resolutions realistic
As I made my hurried book choices at work before heading off for my camping trip this summer, I happened upon two books that were so inspirational they have become the basis for this year’s resolutions, and somehow with them in hand my aspirations are less wacky than usual.
Resolution 2: Learn to run
After reading Kerre Woodham’s brave and colourful account of marathon running in Short Fat Chick to Marathon Runner, I have become obsessed with the idea that I too could bypass any impending crisis by taking up running. I am stretching and flexing my muscles in anticipation as we speak – and am seriously considering the
Resolution 3: Learn to love cooking
It is not enough to love cook books, it is now time to move on to producing the goods with some passion and aplomb. Ladies, A Plate: Traditional Home Baking by Alexa